In January 2013, I had met a wonderful person named Holly DeMott. Holly hired me as her trainer and had her own amazing transformation story. She had already lost 90lbs on a system called Isagenix and was living a life of complete freedom and fulfillment.
Holly always came to each session motivated and with such a positive attitude, I wanted to know her secret.
As I was struggling to find a lifestyle of balance and energy post-competition, I wanted to feel the same vitality that she radiated.
I started on the Isagenix 30 day Cleanse for Life System and within just a few days was feeling tremendous energy and sleeping better than I had in months. As a person who ate a consistently clean nutrient-dense diet, I knew that this must be the missing link all along.
This was such a big aha moment in my life!
The scientist in me did some extensive research on why all of these things were improving for me and it all made sense. What I felt in my body, combined with the knowledge I had about nutrition fueled me with so much passion.
I want everyone to feel what I feel. Knowing that there was a way to feel even better, vastly improves the quality of a person’s life.
When you sleep well, you are a better mother, more productive worker, have more energy to stay fit, and so much more!
I would love to help you to achieve your best life!
Fully supported videos and workout plans and meals
Visit Isa-Lifestyle for my custom workout videos and meal plans to help you succeed.
Whole Body Nutrition
At Isagenix, it’s our goal to provide long-term health and wealth solutions that address significant global issues like obesity, aging and financial stress. Our powerful products and systems paired with our unparalleled business opportunity have helped transform the health and wealth of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.
Recession Proof Your Income
It’s an opportunity for health, wealth and happiness. You can be your own boss, own your own business and be supported by a multi-million dollar company. You’re in business for yourself, but not by yourself. Our goals are simple; to create the healthiest people on the planet, to pay out the most in commissions, and to have FUN along the way.
Please visit my Isagenix website to order and learn more.
Or fill out my contact page to set up a time to discuss your goals.
Athletes Trust Isagenix